Jeanne M. Dams

 Jeanne M. Dams 's Books

A very well recieved series by Jeanne M. Dams are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Death Comes to Durham, Death in the Garden City, Blood Will Tell, Killing Cassidy, Winter of Discontent, The Gentle Art of Murder, The Corpse of St James's, Holy Terror in the Hebrides, The Bath Conspiracy, Trouble in the Town Hall, Sins Out of School, A Dark and Stormy Night, Murder at the Castle, The Missing Masterpiece, Day of Vengeance, Body in the Transept, Malice in Miniature, Smile and be a Villain, Shadows of Death, The Evil that Men Do, The Victim in Victoria Station, Murder in Burnt Orange, which was published in 2022.